Monday, March 29, 2010

We have a tooth!!

Well, Caden is 6 months old today, and where has the time gone!  I remember (not so long ago) thinking things like "I wish he would focus more on our faces", or "when is he gonna have his first laugh?" and now he's doing all that and so much more.  I still find myself wondering when he will be able to sit up on his own etc., but I guess the lesson here is to not wish the time away-he will meet all his milestones in his own time-we just need to sit back and enjoy ;)

In other breaking news-we have a tooth!!  This past Saturday Caden was trying to suck on my hand and suddenly I felt something sharp...a tooth.  It hasn't totally emerged yet, but it's definitely there on the front/right bottom gums.  I guess it is yet to be determined what effect this will have on breastfeeding, only time will tell. 
(Now the past week's worth of crankiness and messed-up sleep schedules are making sense).  To make up for the crankiness, Caden has now started to reach for me with both hands and snuggle in when I pick him up ;)

I bought a sewing machine a few days ago.  No, I don't know how to sew, nor have I ever used a sewing machine, but I have decided to give it a try, and when I looked into classes it turns out you need to bring your own machine...who knew?  I figure it'll give me a bit of a creative outlet, and at least I will be able to make use of the skill if any of Caden's clothes need to be altered due to his arm.  I have already had to cut the armhole of his sleep sack to make it bigger, so I may as well learn how to make it look good!
Well, a crying baby beckons, more updates to come this week-we have a few Dr's appointments with the little man...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the Tooth. I'm betting breastfeeding days are numbered.

    You know, you're welcome to come by with your new machine any time and I'll give you a crash course on what little I know.

