Sunday, April 4, 2010

Belly laughs

It was one of those moments I wish the video camera was within easy reach-Dave was standing and holding Caden, while I was behind, making funny faces at him and such.  I decided a little peek-a-boo may make him laugh, and boy was I right!  I would duck down out of sight, and suddenly pop up saying "boo!" over and over again.  Again and again Caden would start to giggle, which then turned into a prolonged belly laugh, which in turn would make Dave and I laugh.  In the end we all had tears in our eyes, and the stomach muscles were a bit sore-but it was well worth it :)

We finally decided to go and get a high chair, so here is Caden's first picture in it:
No more eating on mom or dad's lap or in the bumbo...
This is the "before" shot, I'll have to upload some "afters" from my camera soon :)

Today we had Easter dinner over at Grandma's house, but yesterday we went to meet some long lost family of Dave's, and even though we were there for a good 6 hours or so, I have to say Caden did really well.  He was charming everyone with his smiles and giggles of course, and other than that he was just pretty easy-going the whole time, except for the very end when it was almost bed time!  He was also enthralled watching the older cousins playing around. Good job buddy ;)

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