Saturday, May 1, 2010

7 months

Well, this past thursday Caden turned 7 months old... it's crazy!  Where has the time gone?  He wasn't as excited for this milestone as we were, due to the fact that he was sick for the past week.  On tuesday night he seemed a bit cranky and unusually tired, and then he threw-up on me before he went to bed.  He woke up at about 2am with a fever, and went back to sleep around 4 after the tylenol had taken effect.  I brought him in to the doctor the next day because he wasn't his usual self-he was sleepy and upset on and off.  The doctor suspected a minor chest or sinus infection, but prescribed antibiotics anyway because his fever kept coming back when the tylenol would wear off.  Let me tell you, the antibiotics have reeked havoc on his gut, he's basically peeing out his bum, and having explosions every hour or so, the diapers are unable to contain the watery consistency!  The good news is today and yesterday he was fever free, and somewhat back to his old self smiling and laughing :)
One positive side effect from Caden being sick was that he actually slept for 7+ hours the other night!  Hopefully this becomes a trend and isn't just a fluke.  Also, it's good that he is getting the sickness out of the way now-hopefully this means he won't be sick in 2 weeks for his MRI, because it would be cancelled.

About 2 weeks ago we went to Sick Kids for an appointment in both Physio and dermatology.  Caden has had a small rash on his right hand (kind of like eczema) and it seemed to be spreading.  They gave us a cream for it and said it was unrelated to his birth mark, which was a relief.  At the physio appointment they assessed Caden and gave us some good exercises to do with him in regards to rollong over and learning to sit on his own.  They said that he is only slightly delayed in the sitting, but that he should be getting the hang of it very soon-he's already showing signs of starting to do it.

Other than that stuff, we're just trying to go to the usual groups and get out with the other moms and babes.  Here's some recent photos of the little sicky :)

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