Saturday, April 17, 2010

Swings and things...

A few days ago (during the beautiful weather) Caden and I went on a neighborhood stroll with Danielle and little Elly, this included a stop at the local park to check out the swings. At first we just held the babes as we sat on the "big-kid" swings, but then I decided to see if Caden was actually big enough for the baby/toddler swings. No surprise, he fit just fine, and was loving being gently pushed-it probably reminded him of his swing cradle which he is now too big for :) Thanks to Danielle for capturing these awesome pics!

In other news, I got a call last night from the MRI department at Sick Kids, finally confirming Caden's procedure for May 14th. It sure has taken a long time, and they mentioned that we should keep an eye out for any signs of a cold, cough or flu symptoms in the days leading up to the MRI, because if he were to get sick it would have to be rescheduled. This makes me want to quarantine him for the week before, just so we can be sure to go through with the appointment! Part of me is glad the appointment is finally here, but in another way I am nervous for both the procedure itself and for the results. He will have to be put under general anaesthetic for a couple of hours, during which time I'm sure Dave and I will both be pacing the hall/waiting area, there may even be a few tears shed-I can't guarantee anything. As for the results, I have just decided to face the reality that whatever they discover, we will be able to deal with it, and so will Caden in the same way that we all have for the past 6 & 1/2 months. Without knowing anything about his condition, we threw out our list of names the night before he was born, and we picked a totally new name-partially because of it's meaning, and mostly because we liked the name: "Caden" means little fighter, or "spirit of battle" depending where you look. I now know that this is the perfect name for our boy, who I'm sure will continue to bravely face any adversity that may come his way-all the while charming everyone with his infectious grin and sparkle in his eye ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! He is so cute!!
    These pics totally remind me of my little guy, i have similar ones in similar swings at a similar park haha from when he was about 6 months. Now he is almost 2 its hard to believe how fast time flies!!
