Monday, August 2, 2010

10 months

So Caden turned 10 months old last Thursday, and I can't believe how fast the time has gone by.  It seems like over the past few weeks time has been moving in fast-forward, especially when I think of the things the little guy has been doing lately...

About 3 weeks ago I had just finished feeding Caden when I heard him crunching on something, so I immediately opened his mouth and to my surprise there was not just one, but 4 new teeth on the top!  Since then they have become much more visible in particular when he's smiling and laughing-it's too cute :)  Thankfully the grinding is few and far between...

He has also just caught on to the waving thing over the past week or two.  It really is amazing to see how they learn things, he seems to know exactly when it's appropriate to wave hi or bye, and we'll even catch him waving out the window while in the car or in the mirror at himself :)

Although he isn't crawling yet, he can still somehow get from A to B though a combination of rolling, dragging and pulling, and I still find myself being surprised when he manages to get a hold of something on the other side of the room...guess I need to get those gates up and make sure everything is babyproofed!

Caden has become very chatty, he's making all sorts of noises (including screams) and he will mimic us when we make certain noises to him.  He also seems to understand simple words or directions, like if we point at something and tell him to look, if we say mamma or dadda he will usually look at myself or Dave, he knows to look at the dog when we say "Rufus" and so on.

He has also become much more curious with other little kids and with toys-he really examines his toys and figures them out much more thoroughly than he has in the past.  He can now figure out that there are doors and compartments to open, that there are hidden parts and various buttons to be pushed to activate music and so forth.  I love the serious expression on his little face when he is into playing with his toys :)

Things are getting better on the eating and sleeping fronts as well (thank goodness).  Three nights ago Caden slept for an astonishing 12 hours straight which is unheard of for him!  However that doesn't mean I slept well-I still got up a couple of times to check on him out of habit.  Since then he has gone back to his schedule of bedtime at 8 (or so) wake up at 11 or 12, and then again at 6 in the morning.  I can't complain about this because the alternative was to be waking up every 2 hours...
Last week Caden was sick for a couple of days with a fever, projectile vomiting and diarrhea, so we went to the doctor to get checked out , and found out that he had again lost weight.  This could have had to do with him being sick, but I had thought he was doing better at eating solids, so I was surprised.  So now we have another appointment in 1.5 weeks to check again, and it is my goal to feed him as much as I can before then to try and fatten him up ;)  I've finally figured out that he likes to eat modified grown-up food as opposed to baby food, so I've been experimenting with making baby versions of whatever we are far he seems to like the results, and he's not gagging too often which is a bonus!

Perhaps the most exiting development is that the Lymphatic Drainage Massage seems to be helping quite a bit.  Over the last few days Caden's arm has been looking and feeling smaller than it has in months.  I have been wrapping it with the compression bandage most days, which seems to help maintain the effects of the massage, although I will admit I haven't wrapped it in a couple of days because it does limit the movement of his arm and his ability to play.  The massage therapist recently measured Caden for a custom night-time compression vest/pajama top which should be ready in a couple of weeks.  The amazing thing about it is that the company that makes the garments has said they are giving us this first one free (normally it would cost somewhere around $1000) which is really cool-apparently they have a kids program where they get one garment free or discounted each year, I guess because the little ones grow out of them so quickly...whatever the reason I think it's fantastic and at least it gives us a chance to see if the night time compression works without spending a fortune!

In summary, Caden is as gorgeous and awesome as ever, and he is growing up way too fast! 
Good night, time for bed :)

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