Saturday, February 26, 2011

and another thing...

Just a quick post before I forget to document some important things...
I've finally stopped breastfeeding Caden, it happened so gradually that it wasn't a big deal at all when it finally happened.  I had been just feeding him at night before bed for the past while, but he has become efficient with the bottle (finally!), so there were a couple of nights where Dave or myself  put him to bed with a bottle, and from then on that's all we've been using.  No complaints, no tantrums, just a smooth transition that was completed about 2 weeks ago.  I do miss it a bit, but it was time :)

Also, we were at the doctor 5 days ago to follow up on Caden's chicken pox, and his weight is now 27.5 lbs.  I am happy with this weight, but at the same time I realize that he has only gained about 2.5 lbs in the past 9 months (likely due to at least 3 episodes of diarrheal illness with weight loss in that time).  We are definitely going to get his large belly looked at, especially since he never has solid stools.  Time to visit the pediatrician again!

On a final note, we have had a very sad past few days.  A friend was admitted to hospital in her 19th week of pregnancy with some symptoms of pre-term labor.  She and her family fought through at least 5 days with strength and determination not often seen, however yesterday little Emmett John came into the world just too soon.  He made such a large impact in such a short time, he will be greatly missed.  Our deepest condolences to Danielle, Jeff and Elly xoxoxo.


  1. Oh Mel, I'm so sorry to hear about your friends and their loss. My thoughts are with all of you.

  2. Hi, im so sorry for your friends' loss. I lost my 3rd child at 17 weeks, it was very traumatic.

    My friend Myra told me about your blog and i wanted to come check it out. I have a 16 yr old daughter with arm kt, though her diagnosis is not set in stone yet.
