Monday, February 21, 2011

February update :)

Well, my prediction from the last entry was wrong-Caden isn't walking completely on his own yet, but he's right on the brink.  That's not to say he hasn't taken steps, he has become great at standing in place unsupported, and taking several steps, but then he will collapse into your arms or whatever happens to be in front of him.  So essentially we still have to walk with him, but tonight especially he seems to be making a breakthrough and looks far more stable on his own.  It's very cute-every time he realizes he's doing it on his own, he has a huge toothy grin on his face and starts giggling :)

In other news, we had a follow up liver ultrasound and specialist appointment at Sick Kids this past friday, and we were told that Caden's "non-specific" liver lesion has not grown in size and so it doesn't need to be monitored as frequently, just in another year or so.  They think that it is some sort of small grouping of malformed blood vessels.  The liver specialist also said that the AFP bloodtest that Caden was to have repeated to ensure the levels were continuing to decline, was not necessary to repeat based on the fact that the lesion has not grown.  However, now I wish I'd asked if we could just do it anyway because I want the proof that the levels are actually still going down...I know, I'm neurotic...

Daycare continues to be a cesspool of infectious diseases, since the new year Caden has had Norwalk, Croup, Pinkeye, and now what I can only assume to be some sort of minor chicken pox (only minor because he got the vaccine about a month ago).  Thursday evening I noticed a couple of "pimple" type bumps randomly on his body, and there were a couple more Friday, but no new ones since then.  They seem to be healing now, but for the past few days Caden has been cranky, coughing, tired, crying at toys for no reason, and has swollen lymph nodes in his groin.  His arm has also been extra swollen over the past week or so, I assume it's all related to his immune system trying to fight of something(s).

In spite of it all he remains such a great spirited little boy.  He was so good while we were at Sick Kids, even though he wasn't feeling well, and there was a mix up with our appointment, so a 10:45 appointment turned into a 2:45 "we'll fit you in" (the error was on their part, not ours).  He missed his nap, and was a bit cranky a few times, but overall very good.

As far as language development goes, he's doing very well (in my humble opinion).  He's making more and more animal noises on request.  He also seems to understand a lot more of what we say, and is almost conversational, answering with simple words and gestures.  He can point out specific objects in books when asked, and he loves watching some Elmo/Sesame Street songs on the iPad and clapping at the end of the song (without prompting).  He's also becoming more of an independent eater; often getting frustrated unless he is holding the spoon :)

Every morning, all I can hear on the monitor is him softly chatting to himself, and then raising his voice with excitement saying "Mumma! Dadda! Toooyyyyyysss!"
It never gets old. 

 Caden and his friend Elly at the indoor playground :)


  1. Thanks for the update Mel, I miss "hanging" out with my Mommies.

    I hear you with the daycare sickness....I've lost track of everything we've caught in our place *sigh*.

    Glad to hear that Caden is doing well.
