Friday, April 9, 2010


Well I should have known that Caden's 2 night streak of going to bed fairly early (if you consider 8:30 & 9:30 pm early!) was too good to be true.  Last night he woke up just after 1:00am to be fed, and fell back asleep, only to reawaken a few minutes later, and lay in his crib chatting and giggling to himself until about 2:30, when Dave finally got up and picked him up.  He was fully ready to play and was wide awake smiling and looking around the dark room.  He finally went back to sleep just after 3:00, but it was only because I opted to feed him again.  Now he is still up and alert, and it is currently 11:00pm, oh well...

I am liking his new playfulness though-after months of just tossing toys around haphazardly, he now is intrigued by most of them, and will smile at certain ones he really likes.  Recently, his Nanna got him a sock monkey because while we were in the store he just loved it and of course like any grandma she had to get it for him ;)  Here is a pic of him and his new friend "Charlie", If I had been able to get the camera earlier I may have captured him smooching the monkey, but I think this one's good enough!

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