Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Well, as promised here are some "after" shots of Caden eating some peaches.  He wasn't too sure about them at first, I think due to their "tartness", but eventually he got into them and this is the result:

As some people may know, Caden sleeps in his crib, but in our room.  This started for obvious reasons, but has continued through the winter months due to the fact that his bedroom is above the garage and has been quite cold until recently (okay, and maybe a little due to the fact that we can't seem to let go, and we dread him being out of sight during the night :) .  So right now his room is basically storage for all things baby, and it looks dangerously close to an episode of hoarders.  However, this allows me to get a nice little surprise every few days when I discover things in there that I had forgotten we had.  Yesterday I spotted this large stuffed giraffe and brought it out to Caden, who was more excited to see it than I've seen him be for any of his other toys!

Too cute...

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