Monday, April 12, 2010

Yup, 2 teeth :)

Well it's official-Caden's 2nd tooth has broken through and I must say, he didn't put up too much of a fuss!  I could definitely see and slightly feel a lump below the surface, but now there is the top of a sharp little tooth poking out.  Unfortunately he has bit down on me a few times while feeding, something that I hope comes to an end really soon otherwise we'll be switching to formula :(  I was saying to Dave tonight that when his top teeth start to come in, I'm going to be nervous breastfeeding-his jaws will be like a bear trap!!
It is very cute/funny how he has been smiling since these teeth have come in-he seems very aware of them, and loves to show them off.  Here are some of the latest pics:

 I can't believe the face he's making in this one, such a ham!:

And just because I can't have just a daddy one and no mommy one:

At least he's still smiling while he's teething!

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